9 Key Garment Storage Tips

Proper clothing storage is essential to keep your garments looking fresh, clean, and ready to wear. In this article, we'll share some expert clothing storage tips straight from your trusted friends here at Orchid Cleaners.

1. Clean Before Storing

Before storing any clothing item, make sure it's cleaned thoroughly. Stains, dirt, and oils can attract pests and cause damage over time. By entrusting your clothes to a professional dry cleaner, you ensure they are cleaned using the right methods and chemicals for each fabric type.

2. Empty Pockets and Zip Up

Always check and empty the pockets of your clothing before storing them. Items left in pockets can cause bulges and distort the garment's shape over time. Additionally, remember to zip up zippers to prevent them from catching on other clothes and causing snags.

3. Use Proper Hangers

Choose hangers that are appropriate for the type of clothing you're storing. Padded or contoured hangers help maintain the shape of delicate items like dresses and blouses, while sturdy wooden hangers are great for suits and heavy coats. Avoid using wire hangers as they can cause stretching and distortion.

4. Avoid Plastic Bags

Plastic bags may seem convenient, but they can trap moisture and lead to mold growth. Opt for breathable fabric garment bags instead. These protect your clothes from dust and light exposure while allowing air circulation to prevent musty odors.

5. Fold Knits and Delicates

Delicate fabrics like knits and silk are prone to stretching when hung. Fold these items and store them in drawers or on shelves. To prevent creases, use acid-free tissue paper between layers and avoid overcrowding.

6. Cedar for Natural Pest Repellent

Consider using cedar products in your closet to deter pests like moths and silverfish. Cedar's natural scent is disliked by insects, helping to preserve your clothes without the need for harsh chemicals.

7. Rotate Seasonally

Maximize your closet space and give your clothes room to breathe by rotating your wardrobe seasonally. Store off-season items in a cool, dry place. This practice not only keeps your closet organized but also prolongs the life of your clothes.

8. Avoid Sunlight and Humidity

Store your clothes away from direct sunlight, as UV rays can fade fabrics over time. Likewise, keep your clothes in a cool, dry place to prevent mold growth and fabric deterioration.

9. Check Regularly

Even in storage, your clothes need attention. Regularly inspect your stored garments for any signs of damage or pests. Early detection can prevent further problems and allow you to take prompt action.


By following these clothing storage tips, you can extend the life of your garments and maintain their pristine condition. From proper cleaning to appropriate hangers and strategic organization, these tips ensure that your clothes are ready to wear whenever you need them. Show your wardrobe the care it deserves, and enjoy the benefits of well-preserved clothing for years to come.